2024-03-20 | Version 1.1
- • Add support for private targets. Previously, only targets in the general catalog were available for observation; now, private targets can be registered by TLE and tasked for observation. This target will only be visible to your organization.
- • Add support for J2000 time and place survey. Survey instructions are high priority tasks on the platform. Each step in the survey indicates a sidereal observation attempt at a given (Ra, Dec). When supplying coordinates, they should be given in J2000 reference frames using an SGP4 model for propagation.
- • Add support for LVLH search patterns. Search instructions are high priority tasks on the platform. Each step in the search indicates an observation attempt at a distance offset (along-track, cross-track, radial) in the local spacecraft frame. Offset values for each step should always be entered in absolute distance offset from the target's TLE, not relative to the previous step. Target rate and sidereal tracking are supported.
- • Our network has expanded with additional nodes globally - with large improvements in Oceania and other southern hemisphere locations. View the effect of these expansions by querying upcoming potential observation windows via our satellite-target-potentials API. This API determines when and where a target will be visible by a node in our network.
- • Add support for monitoring failed observations. You can get the status of observations tasked on the platform for an organization, for a target, for a search instruction, or for a survey instruction.
- • Observation sequence results now hold a list of features that contain target correlations. Target correlations are ordered from most likely to least likely, and are based on comparing predicted to actual streak angle, distance, and length.
- • Observation sequence results now hold a bounding box around the extracted target, making it easier for customers to integrate their observation results into their internal platforms.
- • OurSky has completed Global Data Marketplace (GDM) integration and is now able to respond to customer solicitations via GDM.
- • Additional webhook events for search finished, survey finished, observation finished have been added to the platform so customers can get real time tasking results.
About OurSky
OurSky is the first modernized and open developer platform for space data acquisition and applications. OurSky
provides programmatic access to real-time observational data and analysis of objects and activities in space. OurSky
is built as an open, community-driven resource for the new space age engineer and entrepreneur. For more information
about the OurSky platform, please visit OurSky website